Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Hard Gig

Today was hard.  I admit it.  It was a difficult day.

Between refereeing fights, giving up and deciding to let the kids have it, bites that draw blood, and attitudes that mimic adolescent angst....I am tired.

This being a mommy gig is hard stuff.  Being a mommy is hard work.  It is not for the faint of heart or weak.  It is not for those who give up easily.

Being a have to be more tenacious than a super-strong willed two year old.   You have to be faster than a falling glass.  You have to love enough to discipline and hug afterwards.  

There's no guide for the specific seasons of each of our mommy journeys.  I used to think it was weird when people would say they wished their infant came with a I think it would be nice.  It would be nice to know the stem of the attitudes.  If the crying is because of teething, tired, hungry, or just because it is something to do.  If the fighting is a cry for attention or a brotherly thing. 

Yes, so today was difficult. 

I look forward to putting this day behind me.  Starting again tomorrow.  

I thank God for tomorrows.  New beginnings.  Hopefully new attitudes.

So, here's to all the moms who want to throw in the towel....don't do it!  Tomorrow is another day.  Put your darlings to bed, drink some hot tea, and relax.  Tomorrow is a new beginning.


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