Monday, November 2, 2015

Welcome To Day Two!

November 2, what a great day!!

Today I will exude my gratefulness for my husband.  Jonathan and I met sixteen years ago and have been together almost as long.  We met the second week I lived in Mississippi and we became fast friends.  I was still in my wild phase and when one guy and I would part, he would be the one I would turn to.  He was a faithful friend, almost like what I imagined a big brother would be.  We both attended the same college and had breaks at the same hours during the day.  We began going to lunch together.  Lunch turned into love!

Jonathan has so many amazing attributes...for the sake of reading time and to keep the gag factor low, I will hit on just a few.

Jonathan is a hard worker.  He is one of the hardest working people I know.  When he commits to something, he commits full heartedly.  It is the same with his employment and ministry.  He jumps all in.  As a wife I am so proud of that and am so happy to have the security of a man who likes to work.

Jonathan doesn't stay stagnant.  In just a little while he will be completing his degree in ministry and I am excited to see where that will lead him and our family.  He consistently looks for opportunities to better himself.  When he receives true constructive criticism he acts on it to fix things within himself.

Jonathan is humble.  He has so many reasons he could be peacocking around.  He doesn't.  He is true to himself and stays humble.  I believe it is one of those things that if you've got it, you don't have to flaunt it because it is already there.

Jonathan is a compass for us.  He sees things that I don't see and pushes us to be the best family we can be.  He helps us go in the correct direction for us to fulfill our goals as a family unit and as five individuals within the unit.  He is a dad that has learned to really be a dad.  He has taken what his mentors have told him about being a dad and applied them to his life.  He has started a new legacy for us, one that is amazing.

In our years together Jonathan and I have been through some really difficult things that could have easily broke our marriage.  Daily we have a life that is difficult and he is a backbone for our family.  While I put up a strong persona, with him I can let it down and be safe.  He is a pillar that I can depend on.  I know that with him there is a stability.

I am so grateful that out of all the fish in the sea, he chose me to be his.  He is my best friend.  My lover.  My fighting partner.  He is my life partner.  My hand holder.  He is my dance partner.  My brainstorming buddy.  Jonathan is the half that makes me whole.  I am thankful for him.

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