Monday, November 16, 2015

The Bullet

November I am grateful for the bullet shell I found in my washing machine.  (Pause and let that statement just sink in for a moment)

As I was switching my fourth load of laundry from the washer to the dryer today, I noticed among the loose change, (I consider the washing machine my piggy bank), there was a bullet shell!  Yes that was very odd, but not as odd as the live lizard I found in my washing machine once.  The kids learned a lot of new words that day, but let's move on to the bullet shell.

I made a "you might be a redneck..." joke to my husband as I showed him the shell.  He looked at it and told me that it was the shell from the bullet that Joel used to kill his first deer.  Please don't do the math from when that deer was killed to today, the number of laundry-less days is embarrassing.  Joel is our six year old son and he killed his first deer, a buck, on his first hunting trip this month.  Last night my husband and I ate some venison steak that was tremendous, some steak from the deer that Joel shot.  The deer that my husband processed in our kitchen one night after I went to bed.  The rule in my home is deer have to be processed either when I am out of the house or after I go to bed.

I am thankful for that bullet shell, because at six years old my children have the opportunity to begin providing meat for our family.  My oldest son has provided meat for us as well from a deer.  My husband has filled our freezer after his hunting trips.  I am thankful that my sons, and daughter (if she chooses), have this amazing experience to hunt and kill deer for our family.  I am thankful that I married into a family where hunting season is just as important as major holidays.

Before I end this post about my thankfulness of a bullet shell, I must share a story that happened about three years ago.  This goes in line with the "you might be a redneck if..." We had bought our oldest son a BB Gun for Christmas a few years ago.  One evening my husband was home with the kids while I was out, and all went well.  However, the next morning he texted me and said "Oh yeah there might be some BBs in Reese's diaper." Sure enough later that week there were some BBs in her diaper.  So let's just go ahead and say it "You might be a redneck if you have ever found BBs in your child's diaper!"

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