Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello One Seven

Hello 2017!  As yesterday was ending, I don't think I have been happier to see a year end and a new year begin.  2016 was a zinger.  A doozy.  A roller coaster of epic proportions.

If I had to sum up 2016 in one word, it would be CHANGE!

A quick recap of 2016:

January - pre-op, pre-op, and more pre-op
February - major surgery to basically remove one entire body system
March - recovery
April - feeling better
May - youngest son turned seven
June - daughter turned five and we got the best dog ever, Tucker
July - I had another organ removed and my husband and I celebrated fourteen years of marriage
August - all three kids started school, the day after that my husband was offered his dream job
September - oral surgery 
October - our oldest son turned eleven
November - our sweet Tucker was killed in front of us
December - I turned 35 and all of the holiday extravaganza

See - one big whirlwind change!

Really positive things happened - I made some amazing friends in 2016, my confidence grew, I learned to slow down and to prioritize my time, and I think I may finally be an adult.

That is all for 2016.  I can put that one in the books and look forward.

2017 looks bright!  I have faith that this will be "my year".  The year that I take charge of me.

The organs that were making me so sick are gone...and I really don't think there are many more that can be removed.  So with that I am able to move forward with my health goals.  

Yes, I have the standard weight loss goal, but this year I have made an attainable goal and plan.  Last time I checked, when you turn 35 you don't get younger, so I need to get my act and health together.

Take Time for Talent - I have several talents that are hobbies, but this year I will take time to improve the talents.  Writing, art, lettering, and napping.

Family and Friends - I will be strategic this year in my family development.  It is time to implement all of the things I have read, and really be who I want to be for my family.  I will be purposeful in my friendships, developing them and making new friends.

Growing with God - Our oldest son bought me a new Bible for Christmas, the one I had was pretty worn out and missing Genesis and a Thessalonians (from fifteen years of use).  I am excited to mark this one up, and get into it. Today, I began reading the One Year Bible and I look forward to staying with it all year.  I really enjoy leading small groups and serving in my church, so I plan on continuing those and developing my leadership skills.  My husband and I are leading a married couples small group beginning in February, and we are so excited about this.

2017 is the year of Rebecca!

Tell me...what positive things are going to happen for you in 2017?!

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