We love watching the Olympics! The athleticism and patriotism are amazing. But these games, what gets me is the commercials! Am I the only one that finds myself crying with the commercials?
I wanted to take time to openly thank my parents.
I had some pretty difficult things happen in my childhood, but never at the hand of my parents. I have parents who have been married for almost 38 years. I grew up in a home that was fun. It overflowed with love. And my parents were my biggest fans. Family was one of the most important things growing up, and it still is!
As an adult looking back, focusing on the positive, life was good. Never did I need to question my parents love for me. Oh, yes, I went through teen angst where I "thought" they didn't love me, but I think a lot of people go through that.
I am unashamedly a mamas girl. My mom makes everything better. Even at my age, I run to my mom often. I have a very special relationship with my dad that has grown into a bond where I know that he loves me and never have to question if I am special to him. My dad has come to my rescue many many times.
Dad and mom thank you. Thank you for loving God. Thank you for loving each other. Thank you for loving each of us (your children, their spouses, and grandchildren). Thank you for being our biggest fans. As an adult, as a parent, I see the sacrifices you made when we were young. Dwight Yokam tickets. A new shirt. Trust me days. Those are a few things that come to mind.
Mom thank you for taking time to always listen to me. I know you must have been exhausted each night when you would come and sit at my bed and listen to all of my thoughts. You were and you are my best friend.
Dad thank you for taking special time with me. Our dates at Dairy Queen when I was in high school through our times together now, are special to me. You are a rock in my life. When I see my own husband having your traits, it makes me happy.
I could go on and on thanking you. I am having a hard time seeing through my tears. I am thankful that of all the parents God could have given me, He gave me you.
Thank you dad and mom. I love you.
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