Today, November 1, I am thankful for.....
My passion for makeup started at a very young age, I remember going into my mom's makeup as a little girl and making myself (or my brothers) pretty. Eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, and lips would make my heart race. When I was told that makeup was off limits for a time being, I would make beautiful faces on paper using makeup. I was eleven years old when my mom gave me permission to do my makeup "one time only." We had just moved from Texas to South Dakota and were living in adjoining hotel rooms. My family was in one room and I went to the other room. In the little hotel bathroom, I saw a transformation as I mimicked what I saw actresses on television and models in magazines did with their faces. With no guidance, I was transformed from an eleven year old girl into a sixteen year old teenager with the line of the eyes, the brushing of mascara, and the painting of my lips. I then knew the power of makeup. And I then knew that a life long love affair with beauty had begun.

When I was a junior in high school, I checked out a copy of Bobbi Brown's Book "Bobbi Brown Beauty", in it I learned all kinds of secrets of beauty, cosmetics, and techniques. This became a book I would check out at many libraries for years to come.
In my younger years I wanted to have a career with makeup, still there are days where the idea tickles my fancy. There is something addicting about the aroma of fresh lipstick, the feel of new foundation, and the excitement of a new shadow color. I am a QVC watching junkie, I have yet to order from it, but often times I am found just watching the cosmetic segments.

About six years ago I was introduced to this wonderful shop, this amazing haven for all beauty lovers, in my mind's eye heaven must be like this shop. ULTA. I would get lost in Ulta for hours just browsing, testing, and loving the cosmetics. It was known when I would need my fix and I would just drive and go into my haven. My all things beautiful.
My love of makeup has been passed down to my daughter. At four years old she loves going into my closet and into my makeup bureau, yes I have a large four drawer bureau just for beauty supplies, and she finds her "lips". She has yet to master the art of staying in the line of her God-given lip shape, but hey she doesn't color in the lines at school either. She often comes out of my closet with mascara on her cheeks, lipstick on and around her lips, and eye shadow from her eyes to her hairline. In my mind all I see is Mimi Bobeck from the Drew Carey Show, but I tell her how beautiful she looks and to let mommy help her blend it a little bit more. My daughter hates dresses, bows, and having her hair brushed....but oh, the girl loves makeup!

My current fetish changes as the seasons do. My 120 nail polish collection doesn't seem to be expanding, but my mascara container is filling quickly. My current favorite is "They're Real" by Benefit. It is such a fun mascara!
I love eye liner and am experimenting with different colored liner, I really love purple right now because it makes my green eyes pop! I often reference the Pantone Color Wheel for the season I am and find a trend color I like and make it a staple in my cosmetic wardrobe.
I am thankful for makeup because it allows my creativity to flow into a tangible canvas. It makes my heart race like the hoofs at the Kentucky Derby. Makeup makes me salivate like Pavlov's dog each time it heard the bell ring. When I think about makeup, my excitement bubbles a cork in a bottle of champagne ready to pop. Makeup for me is a passion, as much as selfies are a passion for Kardashians!
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