November I am grateful for the bullet shell I found in my washing machine. (Pause and let that statement just sink in for a moment)
As I was switching my fourth load of laundry from the washer to the dryer today, I noticed among the loose change, (I consider the washing machine my piggy bank), there was a bullet shell! Yes that was very odd, but not as odd as the live lizard I found in my washing machine once. The kids learned a lot of new words that day, but let's move on to the bullet shell.
I made a "you might be a redneck..." joke to my husband as I showed him the shell. He looked at it and told me that it was the shell from the bullet that Joel used to kill his first deer. Please don't do the math from when that deer was killed to today, the number of laundry-less days is embarrassing. Joel is our six year old son and he killed his first deer, a buck, on his first hunting trip this month. Last night my husband and I ate some venison steak that was tremendous, some steak from the deer that Joel shot. The deer that my husband processed in our kitchen one night after I went to bed. The rule in my home is deer have to be processed either when I am out of the house or after I go to bed.
I am thankful for that bullet shell, because at six years old my children have the opportunity to begin providing meat for our family. My oldest son has provided meat for us as well from a deer. My husband has filled our freezer after his hunting trips. I am thankful that my sons, and daughter (if she chooses), have this amazing experience to hunt and kill deer for our family. I am thankful that I married into a family where hunting season is just as important as major holidays.
Before I end this post about my thankfulness of a bullet shell, I must share a story that happened about three years ago. This goes in line with the "you might be a redneck if..." We had bought our oldest son a BB Gun for Christmas a few years ago. One evening my husband was home with the kids while I was out, and all went well. However, the next morning he texted me and said "Oh yeah there might be some BBs in Reese's diaper." Sure enough later that week there were some BBs in her diaper. So let's just go ahead and say it "You might be a redneck if you have ever found BBs in your child's diaper!"
Welcome new friends to an inside view of life as a mommy....and loving it!! I am so passionate about being a mommy and mentoring mommies, the only thing that I am almost as passionate about is coffee!! I welcome you on this adventure with me and hope you receive lots of laughs and tid bits along the way!
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
I am still thankful!
The good news...I didn't fall off the face of the earth! The odd news...for the first time in about six years I have not done a daily "thankful".
I am going to use this post to catch up!
In no particular order (drum roll please)
- I am thankful for my family of origin.
- I am thankful for my second family...the family I married into.
- I am thankful that my children aren't typical.
- I am thankful for my job
- I am thankful that I have learned to be confident no matter what I weigh.
- I am thankful for specialists.
- I am thankful for my mini-van!
- I am thankful for the internet.
- I am thankful for coffee.
Now lets see if in the coming days I can continue to post daily thankfulness!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Day thought I forgot did ye!
November 3 -
Oh no, I didn't forget!
Day Three is about my friends! I am so thankful for my friends. I have a great number of friends and in those friends there are varying degrees of closeness. I am thankful to the friends that I have lost, they have taught me who I don't want to be and who I don't want to be around.
While writing this post, I am thinking specifically about the diverse demographics of my friendships. One of my very best friends in a widow in her mid-80s. Another one is a mom a few years older than me, our friendship took a while to come to fruition, but we found a common denominator in both having special needs children, that commonality has formed into an amazing friendship. Another best friend is a cancer-survivor in her middle years. I have friends who are the ones I see once in a blue moon, yet we are able to pick up like we have never been apart. Some of my favorite memories with my friends involve us having much more fun doing normal things than what is expected. Things like laughing until tears run down our legs. Getting lost and making a short trip into a mini-road-trip. Crying on each other's shoulders. We share the biggest excitements and the deepest sorrows. I am thankful for these types of friendships.
I love seeing the spectrum of my friendships of acquaintances through family and friends who have become family. There are times I get lonely, but then I think about this amazing group of people who call me friend and who I am privileged to call friend and remind myself how amazingly blessed I am. Growing up it was difficult for me to make friends, but as an adult I find that much easier. I have learned to hold my friends in the palm of my open hand and not to cling too tightly. I have learned the fine art of boundaries. And I have learned the immense joy in finding a friend who values your relationship as much as you do. It took me a little while to realize that not every friend would be my best friend but the different levels of friendship are valuable in their own uniqueness.
Today, think about your friends. Send your friends a little "thank you" or "thinking about you" sometimes. Foster and nurture your friendships.
To my friends....THANK YOU!!!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Welcome To Day Two!
November 2, what a great day!!
Today I will exude my gratefulness for my husband. Jonathan and I met sixteen years ago and have been together almost as long. We met the second week I lived in Mississippi and we became fast friends. I was still in my wild phase and when one guy and I would part, he would be the one I would turn to. He was a faithful friend, almost like what I imagined a big brother would be. We both attended the same college and had breaks at the same hours during the day. We began going to lunch together. Lunch turned into love!
Jonathan has so many amazing attributes...for the sake of reading time and to keep the gag factor low, I will hit on just a few.
Jonathan is a hard worker. He is one of the hardest working people I know. When he commits to something, he commits full heartedly. It is the same with his employment and ministry. He jumps all in. As a wife I am so proud of that and am so happy to have the security of a man who likes to work.
Jonathan doesn't stay stagnant. In just a little while he will be completing his degree in ministry and I am excited to see where that will lead him and our family. He consistently looks for opportunities to better himself. When he receives true constructive criticism he acts on it to fix things within himself.
Jonathan is humble. He has so many reasons he could be peacocking around. He doesn't. He is true to himself and stays humble. I believe it is one of those things that if you've got it, you don't have to flaunt it because it is already there.
Jonathan is a compass for us. He sees things that I don't see and pushes us to be the best family we can be. He helps us go in the correct direction for us to fulfill our goals as a family unit and as five individuals within the unit. He is a dad that has learned to really be a dad. He has taken what his mentors have told him about being a dad and applied them to his life. He has started a new legacy for us, one that is amazing.
In our years together Jonathan and I have been through some really difficult things that could have easily broke our marriage. Daily we have a life that is difficult and he is a backbone for our family. While I put up a strong persona, with him I can let it down and be safe. He is a pillar that I can depend on. I know that with him there is a stability.
I am so grateful that out of all the fish in the sea, he chose me to be his. He is my best friend. My lover. My fighting partner. He is my life partner. My hand holder. He is my dance partner. My brainstorming buddy. Jonathan is the half that makes me whole. I am thankful for him.
Today I will exude my gratefulness for my husband. Jonathan and I met sixteen years ago and have been together almost as long. We met the second week I lived in Mississippi and we became fast friends. I was still in my wild phase and when one guy and I would part, he would be the one I would turn to. He was a faithful friend, almost like what I imagined a big brother would be. We both attended the same college and had breaks at the same hours during the day. We began going to lunch together. Lunch turned into love!
Jonathan has so many amazing attributes...for the sake of reading time and to keep the gag factor low, I will hit on just a few.
Jonathan is a hard worker. He is one of the hardest working people I know. When he commits to something, he commits full heartedly. It is the same with his employment and ministry. He jumps all in. As a wife I am so proud of that and am so happy to have the security of a man who likes to work.
Jonathan doesn't stay stagnant. In just a little while he will be completing his degree in ministry and I am excited to see where that will lead him and our family. He consistently looks for opportunities to better himself. When he receives true constructive criticism he acts on it to fix things within himself.
Jonathan is humble. He has so many reasons he could be peacocking around. He doesn't. He is true to himself and stays humble. I believe it is one of those things that if you've got it, you don't have to flaunt it because it is already there.
Jonathan is a compass for us. He sees things that I don't see and pushes us to be the best family we can be. He helps us go in the correct direction for us to fulfill our goals as a family unit and as five individuals within the unit. He is a dad that has learned to really be a dad. He has taken what his mentors have told him about being a dad and applied them to his life. He has started a new legacy for us, one that is amazing.
In our years together Jonathan and I have been through some really difficult things that could have easily broke our marriage. Daily we have a life that is difficult and he is a backbone for our family. While I put up a strong persona, with him I can let it down and be safe. He is a pillar that I can depend on. I know that with him there is a stability.
I am so grateful that out of all the fish in the sea, he chose me to be his. He is my best friend. My lover. My fighting partner. He is my life partner. My hand holder. He is my dance partner. My brainstorming buddy. Jonathan is the half that makes me whole. I am thankful for him.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Your First Day of Thirty
Every November I like to post one thing I am thankful for daily. In the past I have used Facebook as the forum for my thankfulness, however this year I will be using my blog as my platform. I am excited to share my thankfulness with you!
Today, November 1, I am thankful for.....
My passion for makeup started at a very young age, I remember going into my mom's makeup as a little girl and making myself (or my brothers) pretty. Eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, and lips would make my heart race. When I was told that makeup was off limits for a time being, I would make beautiful faces on paper using makeup. I was eleven years old when my mom gave me permission to do my makeup "one time only." We had just moved from Texas to South Dakota and were living in adjoining hotel rooms. My family was in one room and I went to the other room. In the little hotel bathroom, I saw a transformation as I mimicked what I saw actresses on television and models in magazines did with their faces. With no guidance, I was transformed from an eleven year old girl into a sixteen year old teenager with the line of the eyes, the brushing of mascara, and the painting of my lips. I then knew the power of makeup. And I then knew that a life long love affair with beauty had begun.

When I was a junior in high school, I checked out a copy of Bobbi Brown's Book "Bobbi Brown Beauty", in it I learned all kinds of secrets of beauty, cosmetics, and techniques. This became a book I would check out at many libraries for years to come.
In my younger years I wanted to have a career with makeup, still there are days where the idea tickles my fancy. There is something addicting about the aroma of fresh lipstick, the feel of new foundation, and the excitement of a new shadow color. I am a QVC watching junkie, I have yet to order from it, but often times I am found just watching the cosmetic segments.

About six years ago I was introduced to this wonderful shop, this amazing haven for all beauty lovers, in my mind's eye heaven must be like this shop. ULTA. I would get lost in Ulta for hours just browsing, testing, and loving the cosmetics. It was known when I would need my fix and I would just drive and go into my haven. My all things beautiful.
My love of makeup has been passed down to my daughter. At four years old she loves going into my closet and into my makeup bureau, yes I have a large four drawer bureau just for beauty supplies, and she finds her "lips". She has yet to master the art of staying in the line of her God-given lip shape, but hey she doesn't color in the lines at school either. She often comes out of my closet with mascara on her cheeks, lipstick on and around her lips, and eye shadow from her eyes to her hairline. In my mind all I see is Mimi Bobeck from the Drew Carey Show, but I tell her how beautiful she looks and to let mommy help her blend it a little bit more. My daughter hates dresses, bows, and having her hair brushed....but oh, the girl loves makeup!

My current fetish changes as the seasons do. My 120 nail polish collection doesn't seem to be expanding, but my mascara container is filling quickly. My current favorite is "They're Real" by Benefit. It is such a fun mascara!
I love eye liner and am experimenting with different colored liner, I really love purple right now because it makes my green eyes pop! I often reference the Pantone Color Wheel for the season I am and find a trend color I like and make it a staple in my cosmetic wardrobe.
I am thankful for makeup because it allows my creativity to flow into a tangible canvas. It makes my heart race like the hoofs at the Kentucky Derby. Makeup makes me salivate like Pavlov's dog each time it heard the bell ring. When I think about makeup, my excitement bubbles a cork in a bottle of champagne ready to pop. Makeup for me is a passion, as much as selfies are a passion for Kardashians!
Today, November 1, I am thankful for.....
My passion for makeup started at a very young age, I remember going into my mom's makeup as a little girl and making myself (or my brothers) pretty. Eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, and lips would make my heart race. When I was told that makeup was off limits for a time being, I would make beautiful faces on paper using makeup. I was eleven years old when my mom gave me permission to do my makeup "one time only." We had just moved from Texas to South Dakota and were living in adjoining hotel rooms. My family was in one room and I went to the other room. In the little hotel bathroom, I saw a transformation as I mimicked what I saw actresses on television and models in magazines did with their faces. With no guidance, I was transformed from an eleven year old girl into a sixteen year old teenager with the line of the eyes, the brushing of mascara, and the painting of my lips. I then knew the power of makeup. And I then knew that a life long love affair with beauty had begun.

When I was a junior in high school, I checked out a copy of Bobbi Brown's Book "Bobbi Brown Beauty", in it I learned all kinds of secrets of beauty, cosmetics, and techniques. This became a book I would check out at many libraries for years to come.
In my younger years I wanted to have a career with makeup, still there are days where the idea tickles my fancy. There is something addicting about the aroma of fresh lipstick, the feel of new foundation, and the excitement of a new shadow color. I am a QVC watching junkie, I have yet to order from it, but often times I am found just watching the cosmetic segments.

About six years ago I was introduced to this wonderful shop, this amazing haven for all beauty lovers, in my mind's eye heaven must be like this shop. ULTA. I would get lost in Ulta for hours just browsing, testing, and loving the cosmetics. It was known when I would need my fix and I would just drive and go into my haven. My all things beautiful.
My love of makeup has been passed down to my daughter. At four years old she loves going into my closet and into my makeup bureau, yes I have a large four drawer bureau just for beauty supplies, and she finds her "lips". She has yet to master the art of staying in the line of her God-given lip shape, but hey she doesn't color in the lines at school either. She often comes out of my closet with mascara on her cheeks, lipstick on and around her lips, and eye shadow from her eyes to her hairline. In my mind all I see is Mimi Bobeck from the Drew Carey Show, but I tell her how beautiful she looks and to let mommy help her blend it a little bit more. My daughter hates dresses, bows, and having her hair brushed....but oh, the girl loves makeup!

My current fetish changes as the seasons do. My 120 nail polish collection doesn't seem to be expanding, but my mascara container is filling quickly. My current favorite is "They're Real" by Benefit. It is such a fun mascara!
I love eye liner and am experimenting with different colored liner, I really love purple right now because it makes my green eyes pop! I often reference the Pantone Color Wheel for the season I am and find a trend color I like and make it a staple in my cosmetic wardrobe.
I am thankful for makeup because it allows my creativity to flow into a tangible canvas. It makes my heart race like the hoofs at the Kentucky Derby. Makeup makes me salivate like Pavlov's dog each time it heard the bell ring. When I think about makeup, my excitement bubbles a cork in a bottle of champagne ready to pop. Makeup for me is a passion, as much as selfies are a passion for Kardashians!
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