Each day teachers should be appreciated! As a former-homeschooling-mom and now a public school parent, I give each teacher a standing ovation and a huge round of applause!
Regardless of your opinion of public (or private) education, there is something to be said about a person who can take a room full of 20 plus children and educate them in a way they will understand. School is not at all like it was when I was in elementary school, the requirements for what children should know have fast forwarded to earlier ages. The freedom for teachers to take one-on-one time with a student or incorporate other projects into the day have been all but stripped away. There are so many new standards for teachers and demands, that the fleeting thoughts I have about going back to college for an elementary education degree are immediately extinguished. Well that, and the fact that I don't like other people's children....but that is another story for another day....just know if I ever offer to watch your children I really mean it - I don't generally volunteer to be around children besides my own. Again...another story for another day.
If your child comes home on a less than stellar behavior mark, ask your teacher about it if you disagree. Don't immediately jump down the teacher's throat...actually don't jump down their throat at all. Make sure you get both sides of the story, both your child's and the teachers. If you don't agree with the behavior mark, then don't discipline at home, but don't bad mouth the teacher to your child. If my children come home on a behavior mark we deem unacceptable, we discipline our children accordingly. If the story sounds outlandish that my child gives me, I always contact the teacher to find out their side of the story as well. Then I deal with it accordingly. This year, one of my children's teacher has met me in the car rider line to explain situations to me or has wrote a note home regarding a behavior note, and knows I will call her to find out what has happened. Be the parent who the teacher is going to be respected by; show your children an example of respect.
Volunteer your time or talents. I know that in this day, parents are not able to volunteer in the classroom like they were when I was young. But, ask the teacher what you can do to help. Our teachers are great about sending home notes of what is needed in the classroom and we are happy to send in items. The stories we hear of teachers salaries are true and teachers pay for most of the things for their classroom out of pocket. Not only are they teaching because of the love of teaching, but they are teaching because they need to make money as well. During the holidays, ask your teachers what you can do to help. I send double of what is asked for during the holidays so the teacher may not have to buy so much out of pocket. The teacher may say they do not need any help, and that is okay, at least you asked and they know it is there if it is needed.
Encourage your teachers. I like to send just little messages of "Thank you" or "I appreciate you" to the teachers throughout the year. Even if it is in a simple correspondence, I make sure the teacher knows I appreciate all they do for my children. As with any job, even for me as a stay at home mom, it is essential to know you are appreciated, a word of encouragement can go a long way, and you never know when a teacher will need to hear "you're doing a good job!"
Pray for your teachers. Every morning we pray together as a family, and I make sure we pray for each of my children's teachers and assistant teachers. Teachers spend at least thirty hours a week with your child. I pray for the teachers health, sanity, that they have a passion for teaching, for their families, and for the school as a whole. If someone is investing time in my children I expect them to be healthy physically and mentally! I have three children, different ages, and two of them are in school most of the day. By 6 pm I am exhausted, grumpy, and just want to go to bed. That is only with three children, I can't imagine how teachers feel. Not only do they teach all day, but they go home to to their own families and children. They have to have a heart for teaching and they need our prayers.
Take time to tell the teachers in your life "thank you", they need to hear it and they deserve
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