My husband and I were trying to figure out how I could get some "me time" outside of the house. Our schedules at this moment don't allow for me to do something for just me, especially since the time we are all home together, I want to spend as family time. I have considered re-entering the workforce just to have some time for myself and adult interaction, but after much thought I nixed that idea because I thoroughly love being at home, making my own schedule, and truly it is rare that I NEED time for just me. After tossing around ideas of what I could do to get me time, what I would want to do with my me time, and the reality of the little time until all three children are in school full time. After he said I could open a gym with child care in my town, and I quickly shot that idea down, we tried to figure out more things. I don't have parents who can help out with my kids during the day. Most of my friends work outside the home or are as busy as we are. And, I am not willing to pay a day care tuition just for a couple hours a week of me time. My amazing husband said "you should write a blog about it and include some advice on this situation". I spent a couple days brainstorming how I could get time for me, or how could another stay at home mom in my situation, without people to help her go about getting some me time without cutting into family time on the coveted Saturdays.
1. A Co-Op
I have been thinking that I could start a babysitting co-op with other stay at home moms who have young children. Switching out for a couple hours once a month. I haven't approached any of my stay at home mom friends about it yet....but they will be getting a little "hey want to come over for coffee" invite and maybe the co-op will happen out of that little get-together.
2. Hire A Babysitter
The summer is about to begin which means teenagers will be out of school. Hire a babysitter for a few hours a week during the summer. Where I live, homeschooling is popular, I do have one teenager I ask to babysit from time to time when I have a doctor's appointment or something I cannot take the little kids to. This would take money, where as a co-op wouldn't, but really it is minor compared to the cost of a day care.
3. Be Open
This isn't a solution for the alone time situation, but it is something I have realized in the past few months. I have to be open with my husband when I start feeling run down, overwhelmed, depressed, or just down right lonely. I have learned to catch it early and just be open with him, he usually helps me get some alone time within a week. That alone time is something like taking a long bath, going to bed early, or sleeping in. I will take it!
Do you have any fresh ideas for getting alone time as a stay at home mom? Please share them!
In Motherhood,
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