CHORES! I used to think this was just for kids to give them something to do. Some sense of responsibility. I now realize, as a mom of three under seven years old, it is a sanity saver!
I have found my seven year old and four year old copying what I say, I guess I say it often: "There is only one of me and five of us. I need help!" Yes, in my times of exasperation of wiping noses, changing diapers, kissing boo-boos, and answering 5,286,098 questions per day I let my kids know I am not an octopus with eight arms, nor do I have a clone hiding around the corner to jump in and help me out.
I use the Fifteen Minute Clean rule, which you can read about at (click on the above link); the article was published in the current issue. But aside from that I realize that chores are a constant changing tune in my home.
I have spent a couple hours today figuring out the best chore charts for my children, which chores to add, which to take away, and which to split amongst the three. Until this chore revamp, I never put hygiene or getting out of bed a chore; to me it was obvious. Wrong! I was wrong! Now waking up, brushing teeth, and showering are chores on the chart for each child.
Here is a little key I used this time to make my chores for my children. I have took a week to watch them and see what they enjoy doing as far as cleaning. My daughter enjoys wiping things - the floor, her nose, her knee, my knee, etc. I have added dusting to her chore list. Yes, she is two. And no, I don't expect perfection or anything near it. It is a sense of responsibility being added at a young age. My four year old enjoys task oriented activities and pays attention to detail. I added the chore of matching socks to his chore list. My seven year old is pretty easy going, but likes to be organized; I added cleaning out the car to his chore list.
By delegating these tasks to the children, it will leave me more time with the children. Time to make memories. Do crafts, actually sit down with them and do the crafts with them. Time to do something for myself during the day. And time for me to become a better wife and mother with better time management.
Erma Bombeck said "housework can kill you if done right." I think she has a valid point. If we, as mothers, did every single task in the house every single day we would work ourselves to death. And then, we wouldn't be useful at all!
A couple of warnings though as you add chores to your children's activities.
1. Don't expect perfection. Your children are learning to do these things, take time to show them how to do it correctly. If you have a specific way you like the beds made, show them how to do it that way.
2. Make chores a first of the day activity. When school starts make it an activity to do between school and homework.
3. Give positive incentives. If our children do all their chores for a month, we will take them out for ice cream or some other treat to congratulate them and encourage them.
4. Make creative punishments for chores not completed. If their room is not clean, take the items that are not put away and you put them somewhere away from them until they learn to clean up correctly.
You can do this mama! I know society says you have to do it all, have it all, and smile while doing it. Reality says, let your children help you! Don't let the joy of motherhood escape you because of lack of help!!!
Perfect!We are slowly learning to do this too!