As a stay at home mom, I find great fulfillment is helping other parents with their children.
It is summer time and a lot of parents need some place for their older children to spend the day, I have provided that this summer. It has been a fun adventure and challenge! Being a stay at home allows me to help other parents, whether they work outside the home, need a break, or just need some help for a couple hours a day every once in a while.
Mamas, we need to be there for each other. Yes, sometimes that means spending one day a week surrounded by children and having a completely child fun day. It may also mean offering help to that other mom you see who you know doesn't get breaks often. You will find that when you look at helping other parents as just that, helping parents, the daunting task of helping with additional children actually turns into a blessing to you! It truly is better to give than receive. When you know you have helped another mama and that you have done it well, it brings a great satisfaction to you.
This week find that mama that needs some help and offer your time. Reach out, go outside of your circle of friends, and open your arms and open your home to others. You can do this mamas!!! We need each other!!!
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