Last night, I watched the Presidential Debate, as I have done with the previous debates. However, this time I didn't watch it to gain new insight or help me decide who to vote for. I watched it to see what ammunition this debate would give Saturday Night Live - sad, but true. There were times during last night's debate that I felt like I was listening to my three children bicker and fight. It was quite embarrassing, as an American.
For the first time in my adult life, I am truly disgusted by this election and the process. I am in my mid-thirties, so really I haven't had that many Presidential elections to vote in, but it is shameful, because no matter who is elected president, our country will never be the same.
This morning I heard that "they" are expecting a record number of non-voting this election. That Americans are so fed up, so embarrassed, and so stressed that many are not going to vote. I understand that feeling all too well, but as Americans we have the privilege and responsibility to vote. I can't and won't say who I am voting for or who I think would be the best President, but I can say - VOTE! Let your voice be heard.
Why should you vote?
- You're a mom - you are voting for the America your children will grow up in. I am quite honestly terrified for where the country will be when my children become adults. I am terrified for what they may or may not have to face - but then, I am not afraid. No matter who is elected, God is still God.
- You're a woman - On August 18, 1920, women got the right to vote. That is less than a hundred years that we have been able to vote. If women sit out this election, we are allowing our voices to not be heard again. That is taking a huge step backward.
- You're setting an example - One thing I love about voting is getting the "I Voted!" sticker, and then of course taking a selfie with it. That is setting an example to other people that voting should be done. When my children see the sticker, they know I voted. They know that I took my duty as an American citizen seriously. I remember when I was under the age of eight years old, my "middle" brother and I went with my parents to the polls (my youngest brother was not yet born). I went with my mom and my brother with my dad to their voting booth. I stood in the curtain with my mom while she voted. I remember thinking "I can't wait until I can vote!" My mom set an example for me, you can set that example for your children as well.
- You're going to be effected - Whoever is going to be President will effect you. Regardless of who wins this election you will be effected in your freedoms, what is taught to your children, your finances, and your health care.
There are many more reasons to vote, but these are the top four I see as a woman.
As a Christian woman - the Bible says to pray for those who are in leadership over you. That means whoever is elected, you will need to pray for. You will need to show respect for. Prison Fellowship Founder Chuck Colson said: “Christians have a duty to be engaged in the political process. The very least we should be doing is voting. We should be the best of citizens. We should bring the values of the kingdom of God to bear in the kingdom of man.”
I ask you, my fellow mamas, vote. Don't bury your head in the sand. Don't sit this one out. Make your voice count!