Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stepping In

Last week something tremendously unexpected happened....I started a job outside the home!  When I say unexpected, I mean UNEXPECTED!!!

About six weeks ago I started thinking it would be fun to find a part time office job.  I love working in offices.  I didn't really tell anyone about it, it was just a thought.  A little less than two weeks ago, on the way to take our boys to football practice, I received a phone call out of the blue.  A phone call that led to a job offer that led to me accepting the job.  Do I like my job? I LOVE IT!

My friends asked me questions the first week I was back, I wanted to share them.  This is especially for any other stay at home moms who are considering going back to the workforce.

1.  What is it like going to the restroom by yourself?
- I made my co-workers come with me and stand outside the door, ask me what I was doing, stick their hands under the door, and wiggle the handle while I was using the restroom.  No, no, not really.  Although it was such an unique feeling, I am certain that my coworkers think I have a bowel and bladder issue...which it is just the fact that I haven't used the restroom without an audience in ten years!

2.  What do you talk about?
- The first day, there was hardly any chatter.  Five hours of the only sound being the sound of fingers on the keyboard.  Amazing.  I am pretty sure it was a taste of heaven.  Honestly, I often wonder if I am speaking correctly to the other adults.  I am pretty quiet because I am afraid I will randomly say "we don't do that", "your underwear are on inside out", "we keep our clothes on", "your hand smells like poop" or "stop eating your boogers!"  I am still in that socially awkward phase.

3.  What is the biggest change?
- Clothes and hygiene!  I now shower.....well lets not get all personal, lets just say my  hygiene habits have improved greatly.  I had to buy some new outfits before I started work (shucks), because t-shirts and yoga pants were my wardrobe basics.  

4.  How do you keep up with your housework?
- Something amazing has happened.  When I return home in the evenings, my home is the same as it was when I left!  Housework has become much easier, mainly because there is no one following me around the house undoing the cleaning I did.

Being a stay at home mom was a great season.  A season I thoroughly enjoyed.  I stayed home with the babies until they weren't babies anymore (but they will always be my babies).  I am blessed to not HAVE to work, but have the option to work and work in a place that is a good fit for me.  I appreciate my husband sacrificing so much the past eight years so I could be a stay at home mom, his support of me being at home.  I appreciate the fact that when I got the job offer he was the one telling me to go for it!  He sends me texts most mornings just reminding me I have what it takes.  He is my biggest fan.  

When the door for a job outside the home opened up, I didn't just stepped in, I ran full force!