It is March....March Madness time if you are a basketball fan. Sorry folks, I am not, give me SEC football any day!
Geaux Tigers! However, if you are a mom, sometimes March can seem like the longest and, dare I say it, maddest month of the year. We are at the end of winter, and for me and my family, we like sun and lots of it....and heat! These winter months are causing me to feel like the Mad Hatter and Alice off of Alice in Wonderland:
But, then, Saturday happened.
Saturday was sunny, beautiful, and we unplugged for the day, played outside, and deep cleaned inside. I realized something. I realized that perhaps the madness is caused by being plugged in all the time. With the phone ringing, texting, notifications, and pinging, I am sure there is a state of madness here.
I believe Saturday taught me a grand lesson, being unavailable is healthy. Saturday night I dreaded looking at my phone, and sure enough there were notifications, messages, and pokes for me to return; and I returned them then put the phone away. I realize that in a day of social media sometimes being our only social outlet, it is a reality of our life. However, being aware of social media and being owned by social media are two different things. I have deleted a few social media apps from my phone (big gasp) and have stopped taking so many pictures, but I have started participating in life with two hands again, not one hand death gripped to my phone.
Since Saturday, here are some lessons that I have learned.
- I love my life, but I need to live my life. This means I cannot wait for the perfect facebook post or great instagram pic, this means I have to live in life. I have to laugh at the funny things my children say and do and not share them all the time. I have to enjoy the moments of my children's eyes shining with mischief and laughter and not try to get the perfect filter to show that moment.
- Moments are sacred. I have been guilty of social media over-share (I know all my facebook friends are shocked by this statement), while I love to share my life with others, there are moments of sacredness that I need to treasure just within myself and family. Of course, I want others to celebrate with us and share in joys and sorrows, but at the end of the day, there has to be a sacredness to the intimacy of our day to day life.
- Slow down and shut down. For the past few weeks I have been praying about my schedule, it seems so busy and so hectic. Last week something happened that caused me to need to cancel all my weekend plans. The weekend was the best I have had in maybe years. I have backed off of things that I don't need to be involved in so deeply and have prioritized my schedule. Time with my family first and foremost, then time with friends, then holidays and parties.
- Stop to smell the roses and taste the coffee. I have had such a deep desire for a pictureque "vintage" housewife lifestyle. To bake pies, have my friends over for coffee, and to have dinner ready when my husband gets home.....

.......the I realized that I can have that! If I let my social outlet be social in the terms of face to face interaction versus text to text interaction. I have turned off the notifications off my phone, except for the phone ringing, and when we are all home for the evening, the phone is off. I spend time with my family, enjoying the time with them. Treasuring the sacredness of the moments.
- I did spend some time watching YouTube videos from another stay at home mom and housewife with three young children. I have implemented some of her routines and schedules in my home and to date I am still on task! Unplugging has allowed me to stay on top of housework.
I am not saying I am becoming an anti-social media person. I am blogging and am about to post on facebook and instagram. Three very useful forms of social media. I use pinterest for everything from how to help with a fever to making unicorn pillows. Social media isn't bad. But, when social media becomes an addiction, there needs to be a change.
So, March Madness is still in full swing and I may be banging my head against a wall....but I am doing so unplugged and much less stressed!
What are your thoughts on unplugging?!? Comment and let me know!