Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Little Words

How do we speak to our children?  This is something I have been challenged with recently.  Just speaking nicely.  It is easy to just saying something flippant and not think about the effects on your children.  I have been choosing deliberately to love more and correct less - of course, I correct when it is needed, but I focus on loving more.  What does that mean?  That means for every correction I purposefully give two positives throughout the day, things that make each of my children unique, things that make them want to to do good.  I mean, really take time to look into your children's eyes and tell them good things about themselves, they need it. I found this nifty little tool on Pinterest (don't you just love Pinterest?!?) that demonstrates different ways you can tell your child you love them.

Take time this week to focus on being kind to your child, to speak love, and to look into their eyes.  It will change both yours and their life!

- Rebecca

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Soccer Mom!

Soccer season is in full swing for us now!  Our oldest is in his fourth year and this is the first year for our middle child.  Yes, I can't believe I have two little boys in soccer!  Thankfully, they practice on the same night, one practice following the other.  I have learned to become a pro at planning for a night of soccer.

1.  Bring dinner with you.  It keeps my youngest occupied for a time and it allows my oldest to eat before his practice and my middle to eat after his practice.

2.  DVDs.  Thankfully our van has a DVD player in it.  If your vehicle doesn't have a DVD player, you can download Netflix on your iPad or iPhone and have some entertainment that way.

3.  Pajamas.  My youngest goes to soccer in her pajamas, if she falls asleep in the van, it is no big deal to take her straight to bed when we get home.  

When the weather gets warmer, we will be taking advantage of the land and walking during practice, I look forward to that day.

What about you other sports moms, what are some tips you have for making practice a bit easier for the other children?  I would love to hear your ideas!!

In Motherhood,